
Inter-Act (Inter-Ethnicity Youth Forum):
India is known for its diverse culture and ethnic groups ethnicity becomes one of the major identification of social groups in India. These ethnic groups are identified with particular culture, language, social organisation, self-governance and geographic specificity which differentiates them from one another. The local and global policies have had a greater impact on their migration pattern which always came in conflict with the other ethnic groups.

Post the year 2000, India has seen mass migration of ethnic groups due to the disparity of local resources and looking for greater opportunities to enhance their, otherwise deteriorating Socio-Economic life. This Urban Centered migration absorbed the unorganised labor force into the sectors like Construction, House Keeping, Hospitality, Beauty and IT. The migration has been looked as an life changing opportunity for one group and seen as a threat to the sovereignty of the region by the locals. This feeling of some one taking away their resources has resulted in increased violence against the other groups.

Youth being the most affected, YEAH has created this forum to:

  1. Understand and celebrate commonalities and diversities in India;
  2. Explore Social, Economic, Political, Cultural and Geographical realities of different regions;    
  3. Create new avenues for coexistence and mutual development.

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