
Gen Net

The value of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity encrypted in the constitution has not affected women positively in the recent times, however, historically they had a hold and a super position where their names were referred to Land, Earth, Rain, Country, Language and Culture. This hold still remains a false identity which ironically gives a false super power.

The Violence and Discrimination, against women and LGBTQ has gone up multi fold which is supported by the Indian social structure. This Social structure paves way for discrimination against these communities which results in violation of their basic rights as humans. The women and the LGBTQ are portrayed as the prime reason for violence and discrimination on them. So to combat this violence, discrimination and violation the solution is sought by controlling their actions.

This control actually has widened the gap between the genders, this gap has led to further marginalisation. Dialogue is one of the solutions to eliminate the gender gaps and bring gender equity. 

GenNet is an open platform for youth from different sexual orientations to:

1. Gather and Understand and respect different sexual identities.
2. To create platforms to dialogue on gender realities.
3. Build new partnership across sexual identities to address discriminations.
4. Understanding and respecting different sexual identities.
5. Create platforms to dialogue on gender realities.
6. Building new partnership across sexual identities to address discriminations. 

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